
Galaxy Ring and Watch 7: what will Samsung release in 2024?
Galaxy Ring and Watch 7: what will Samsung release in 2024?

Information about all the gadgets that will be released before the end of 2024 and early next year has been leaked to the network. The list turned out to be impressive.



Electric car manufacturer Polestar will release the first smartphone
Electric car manufacturer Polestar will release the first smartphone

On April 23, the official presentation of the first smartphone from the manufacturer of premium segment electric vehicles will take place. The company promised that the new product will have built-in AI.

“Russian Cybervillage Simulator” will appear on Steam: what will it contain?
“Russian Cybervillage Simulator” will appear on Steam: what will it contain?

Domestic developers continue to actively promote their projects. I’ll tell you what our IT geniuses came up with this time.



What do gamblers dream about?
What do gamblers dream about?

Any gambler dreams of being the best of the best, and in addition to getting fabulously rich. Despite the fact that skill requires time and effort, and the prospect of winning a six-figure sum seems almost unattainable, a variety of gambling games never cease to excite the minds of gamblers.


The psychological side of online gambling
The psychological side of online gambling

It is clear that gambling is not only based on mathematics. In many ways, the character and temperament of the player are the determining factors in the game. This is why the psychology of gambling receives a lot of attention in the professional sphere.



The future of European online gambling
The future of European online gambling

The European Union is an international entity in which there are uniform standard circulation of goods and services. However, some EU member countries have their own position on certain issues. Among them is the attitude towards online gambling. There is no consensus to this day.

PC Basics: Life Hacks for Beginners
PC Basics: Life Hacks for Beginners

A computer is a technology that has become a necessity. A person who does not know how to work with a computer cannot apply for many jobs and feels awkward among others.
Are you tired of asking others for advice? Do you want to be connected to a computer? Then these tips are for you!
How to master a computer?

Las Vegas: where it all began
Las Vegas: where it all began

The Las Vegas story, like many great stories, began with an accident. In 1829, a caravan heading to Los Angeles lost its way. Several volunteers managed to find an oasis in the desert. Then they could not even imagine how grandiose their discovery was.

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14 days for return
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